Disable American Express payments
Due to the higher cost of processing American Express payments, you may wish to stop Amex card payments being accepted. You can do this via the steps below:
1) Go to the "More" screen in your Lopay app (5th icon at the bottom)
2) Scroll down and select "Payment setup"
3) Toggle off 'Accept American Express' if desired. By default, it will be toggled on (ie. accepted)
Enable Smart Selection
Smart Selection is a feature which learns what is your preferred method of taking payments and makes that method the default.
1) Go to the "More" screen in your Lopay app (5th icon at the bottom)
2) Scroll down to the bottom and select "Smart Selection"
3) Toggle on/off the payment methods you want to be considered as default methods
4) Go back and open the "Charge" screen (2nd icon at the bottom)
5) Put a test payment value in and press "Charge"
5) Select the payment type you would like to use for Smart Select (e.g. "card reader")
6) Select "Cancel"
7) Once Smart Select has been successfully set, you will see the default payment method as a new button alongside the "Other" option
For any further questions or help, please email us at [email protected].